Massage Therapy Treatments
Deep Tissue Massage
Our deep tissue massage is specifically designed for anyone who may be suffering with aches and pains.
This treatment can help to relieve chronic muscle tension, sciatica and repetitive strain.
Your therapist will use advanced techniques to target areas of discomfort, improve posture faults and increase mobility.
We strongly advise our clients to increase their water intake before and after their treatment. This will prepare the body for the detoxification process that will occur during and after your session.
Swedish Massage
Our Swedish massage is an ideal treatment for anyone who would like to maintain good physical health.
Your therapist will use long flowing movements to improve circulation, followed by a combination of kneading techniques to rebalance the muscles and disperse physical tension
This massage can be relaxing or invigorating.
Hot Stones Massage
This warming treatment can be both restful and restorative.
Designed to soothe aching muscles whilst melting away physical and mental tension, this calming treatment can have a wonderfully sedative effect making it ideal for anyone who is experiencing stress, anxiety or suffering with insomnia.
If you are in need of a restful treatment your therapist will apply the stones with light pressure and flowing movements to help you drift into a blissful state of relaxation.
Or if a more restorative session is needed your therapist will start by applying the stones with light to medium pressure to help warm and relax your muscles
They will then use deep tissue techniques to locate any blockages and areas of discomfort in your body followed by a focused application of the stones to help release tension.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage
This gentle rhythmic massage is both relaxing and highly effective.
Manual lymphatic drainage works to remove metabolic waste and toxins from the initial lymph vessels that lead to the circulatory system whilst simultaneously relaxing the sympathetic nervous system.This can reduce pain in the body as well as enhancing the body's natural immune system.
This restful treatment can be used to treat a wide variety of problems including edema, headaches, sinus congestion, digestive disorders, as well as aches and pains throughout the body. Lymphatic drainage can also be used before and after surgery to remove tissue congestion and minimise scar formation.
It is particularly useful as part of post-mastectomy therapy to reduce edema and fibrosis as well as relieving pain and discomfort.
Oncology massage is a non-invasive treatment using slow and steady movements with a light pressure to help the body relax.
This holistic based therapy focuses on compassion and care to help people manage their physical and emotional reactions to cancer.
Oncology massage has many wonderful benefits including relaxation, improved sleep and immune function, as well as relieving pain, anxiety, fatigue and nausea.
This treatment is suitable for anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer as well as anyone receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
It can also be used after recent operations and when lymph nodes have been removed.
Myofascial Release
Myofascial release therapy is a gentle massage that helps to release tightness and pain throughout the myofascial tissues. Your therapist will start by locating areas of tension and discomfort. Once the areas have been located they will then begin massaging and stretching to loosen the tight and rigid parts of the body. The therapist then supports the tissue to release the pressure and tightness.
This process can be repeated until the therapist feels the tension is fully released. Myofascial release can have many health benefits including increased energy and breathing capacity.